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Finland, known for its stunning natural beauty, is a unique country that stands out in many ways. Lo...
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Trusted and Experienced Educational Consultant since 2001 as Specialist Study in Europe, providing a quality service is our aim, and we are always welcome and happy to provide such assistance to anyone who needed help with their international educational purposes.
We believe that our knowledge, experience, expertise and network would benefit our students and parents to start a new exciting adventure for future endeavour.
Trusted and Experienced Education Consultant since 2001 as Specialist Study in Europe..
I have been wanting to study fashion since I was 13. Istituto Marangoni has always been my first choice and it surely was not a mistake. I am taking Fashion Business and Buying, a major I do not see often in other universities. I value how Marangoni provide specific majors that is relevant to my dream future career. With their way of focused and connected approach of teaching with the students, it is safe to say that Istituto Marangoni is a top choice for a fashion degree its experiences.Tante Lisa and Kak Karen has been very helpful from the start. From the first time they introduced Marangoni, they have managed to portray themselves as knowledgeable agents, further making sure I have a good experience settling down for my university. I have managed to earn a scholarship in Istituto Marangoni just by discussing it with them, and they have made wants of going into fashion school come true!
Saya Pamela Chelsea, selama proses persiapan untuk pergi ke Paris, monsieur anton sangat membantu dari pemilihan universitas untuk masters degree sampai pendaftaran visa. Saya juga diberi banyak advice yang baik dan berguna untuk bagaimana menjalani kehidupan yang baik sebagai mahasiswi di Paris. Overall sangat informatif, ramah dan baik.
Semenjak anak saya duduk dibangku SMA saya melihat kemampuan Dan kesukaan dia dibidang seni Dan fotografi, saya berencana menyekolahkan dia di perancis untuk membuka wawasannya Dan kesempatan masa depannya ... Ternyata awalnya tidak mudah juga menemukan Jalan karena anak saya juga mempunyai kekurangan?.... Untungnya if menyarankan saya untuk menemui mas Anton hilman yang banyak membantu kami, sehingga saat ini anak saya bisa bersekolah disana. Dan saya bersyukur sekali karena sesuai dgn ekspetasi g saya inginkan dgn kemampuan Dan kesukaan anak saya, sehingga a bahagia bersekolah disana Tidak hanya dibidang pendidikan tetapi juga bantuan untuk anak? memperoleh tempat y aman sampai mereka bisa beradaptasi
Atlas Education khususnya Miss Karen sangat membantu kami untuk mendaftar ke Istituto Marangoni. Mulai dari proses pendaftaran, pencarian akomodasi, sampai dengan proses visa. Miss Karen sangat ramah dan responsif, kapanpun kami membutuhkan bantuan pasti cepat ditanggapi. Terima kasih atas semua bantuannya Atlas Education.
My experience at Istituto Marangoni was great and memorable. I learnt a lot during my study and I grew as a person and fashion designer. I had a chance to work with talented and amazing instructors. Moreover, my personal experience with Miss Karen was delightful. She helped me a lot during the process of my application from the beginning until the end. She always available whenever I need her assistance. I appreciate it a lot.
I am grateful to Atlas Education for providing me with an unrivaled service with regards to my university application process in the Netherlands. All the steps involved, starting from the step-by-step application process for the UVA, arranging tuition fee payments until the creation of my student visa / residence permit were aided by Atlas Education. My entire university application process went smoothly and without any hindrances. My student life in Amsterdam has been nothing but fantastic. I learnt so much in the past years of my study. The bachelor and master programs that I took were of top quality and taught by brilliant professors. Additionally, Amsterdam is a beautiful city to live in and traveling around the city is very convenient.
My two children used the services of Atlas Education to study in the Netherlands. Atlas Education provided an excellent service with regards to the step by step application process for universities. They are able to provide a clear and in-depth explanation about the education system in the Netherlands. As parents, we are satisfied and pleased with the services provided by Atlas Education since they are adept at dealing with study related matters in the Netherlands. Finally, we will always choose Atlas Education and would like to recommend their professional services.
Kami sangat senang dengan layanan yang diberikan Atlas Education untuk keperluan pendidikan anak kami ke luar negeri, tepatnya negara Inggris. Respon yang cepat, pelayanan yang baik, kordinasi yang baik membuat kami nyaman menggunakan Atlas Education. Informasi yang diberikan juga sangat membantu kami dalam menentukan rencana kami, mula dari pilihan universitas, hunian, mata pelajaran dan jurusan. Kami juga sangat terbantu dengan kemudahan pengurusan visa dan persiapanlainnya. Semoga Atlas Education bisa semakin maju dan berkembang serta tetap menjaga kualitas layanannya.
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Finland, known for its stunning natural beauty, is a unique country that stands out in many ways. Lo...
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Finland is one of the best places to study in Europe for international students. It offers high-qu...
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